Spanish-English Dual Immersion Classroom Teacher

Website Treadwell Elementary School, Dual Language Optional Program
A bilingual, biliterate, & multicultural education in the 901
Memphis’s ONLY K-5 Dual Language Immersion Program is seeking bilingual, elementary certified classroom teachers for the 2022-2023 school year!
Our School:
Treadwell Elementary School is a neighborhood MSCS school that is home to the only Dual Language Immersion Program in West Tennessee. This Optional Program began 14 years ago with one kindergarten and one first grade class and has grown each year. We currently have twelve classes from kindergarten through fifth grade and will be adding additional classes next year!
Open Teaching Positions:
Spanish-English instructors in our program are responsible for planning and implementing daily classroom instruction for students in a dual language elementary setting, preparing our students to be BILINGUAL, BILITERATE, and MULTICULTURAL citizens and workers in the 21st century.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Bilingual (Spanish/English)
- Bachelor’s degree/endorsement in elementary education with a valid Tennessee certificate preferred
Grades: Elementary K-5
Social Media: Facebook: Treadwell Elementary School – SCS and Instagram: @duallangtes @treadwellelementary
Principal: Mr. Jason Carr-
Optional Coordinator: Ms. Darlene May Walker-