Associate Teacher

Website Vision Preparatory Charter School
Where College Begins in Kindergarten
Vision Prep Job Description: Associate Teacher
“Vision Preparatory Charter School prepares kindergarten through fifth grade scholars with the academic and ethical foundation necessary to excel in middle school, thrive in high school and graduate from college.”
Job Description
The Associate Teacher will, through professional development, take an active role in developing and implementing their grade level curriculum. The Associate Teacher shares equal time between classes lead by Lead Teachers in their grade level. While the Lead Teacher is the designated leader in each classroom, the Associate Teacher works as an equal professional partner to effectively manage scholars and drive academic performance. The Associate Teacher will work closely with Lead Teachers, Principal and School Director to develop, deliver, and assess high quality, standards aligned lessons. The Associate Teacher is responsible for their scholars’ achievement and is expected to constantly self-reflect, assess, learn and grow in their profession.
- Read Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov and view included DVD before July professional development begins.
- Prior to school year beginning (July professional development) work with grade level team to backward plan using all available assessments, state standards, and national standards to create a cohesive, year-long plan.
- Be accountable for scholar attendance record keeping through taking and submitting accurate attendance counts daily.
- Monitor all arrival, homeroom, breakfast, lunch, and dismissal procedures assigned by Director of Finance and Operations.
- Arrive at school on time daily, professionally dressed and prepared for instruction.
- Assist in supervising classroom morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
- Hold scholars, parents and co-workers accountable for all Vision Prep common core values found in F.I.R.S.T. (Focus, Integrity, Responsibility, Self-determination and Teamwork) and the statements agreed to in the Contract of Mutual Responsibilities.
- Assist Lead Teachers in the development and submission of daily and weekly lesson plans (Thursday prior to teaching) to Principal (includes at a minimum: TN or Core standard, learning target, assessments, brief agenda, and all scholar materials) and revise after receiving feedback.
- Deliver clear, concise, objective-driven lessons daily while effectively and respectfully communicating scholar progress with scholars, families and administration.
- Implement the key elements of the teaching taxonomy outlined in the book, Teach Like a Champion.
- Work as a team with other grade level teachers to implement standards-aligned curriculum (including: daily instructional activities, do nows, exit tickets, homework, quizzes, tests, and interim assessments).
- Meet weekly with the School Director or Principal to debrief or discuss most current classroom observation.
- Based on weekly debriefs, implement changes in instruction, assessment and/or planning.
- Collaborate with Lead Teachers and the Scholar Supports Coordinator (Special Education) to ensure all scholars’ academic needs and documented individual accommodations are being met.
- Meet and plan during all scheduled grade level meeting times each week to ensure consistency, to plan for scholar support, and to ensure academic rigor.
- Be open to frequent informal observations by administrators and other teachers and implement feedback received.
- Assist Lead Teachers in the updating of grade books weekly at a minimum, with 80% of grades based on mastery of skills taught.
- Use grade level system to track and document scholar Reading and Mathematics assessment mastery data.
- Manage time effectively so deadlines are met, classes begin and end on schedule, and all professional responsibilities are fulfilled.
- Be a team player: share; assist; ask for help when needed; provide insights and ideas; be solution oriented; be flexible, kind, and humble.
- Assist Lead Teachers to update parents/guardians on the progress of scholars frequently.
- Assist Lead Teachers in the preparation and maintenance of a welcoming classroom that is clean and organized.
- Attend all mandatory Vision Prep professional development sessions, on and off campus.
- Enforce all Vision Prep rules and procedures