Candidate FAQs
- Find jobs on the jobs page.
- Create a profile and network with school partners.
- Sign up for Events like our Job Fairs.
- Take advantage of other resources like the Teacher Discount Program.
You’ll want to research and prepare to take a PRAXIS test and also research and inquire about various Teacher Preparation programs. Find some helpful links here.
- Register your candidate account through this link.
- When you register your account, it will be marked as ‘On Hold,’ until an administrator can review your profile and approve it. You should go ahead and fully fill out your profile to put your best foot forward for school recruiters who might be looking for you.
- Once approved, you can apply for jobs directly and network with school recruiters.
- Yes, but you are responsible for setting up those settings on your account.
- When you are signed in, you hover your mouse over your username on the navigation bar. Click and find the ‘Accounts’ subtab that will bring up another set of subtabs.
- “Privacy” is where you can go to edit your settings to make your account invisible.
- Otherwise you can proactively find the school recruiters you wish wouldn’t see your profile and block them.
Your resume and application is sent to the school recruiters’ email address(es). The school recruiters can also see your application within their login on the site.
Always be patient. Double check to make sure your credentials match up to the position applied for and consider messaging the recruiter through the platform to inquire about your status.