Know a teacher who goes above and beyond for their students?

Encourage them to apply for JLM’s Innovative Teaching Grant!
The Innovative Teaching Grant allows teachers to secure up to $2,500 for an innovative project in their classroom or school.
This year, the grant will be available to teachers who have an idea to improve their own practice through professional development, improve students’ social and emotional learning skills, or improve students’ academic skills.
Purpose: The Innovative Teaching Grants program is a Junior League of Memphis (JLM) project designed to improve the quality of life for children by encouraging and supporting excellence in teaching. The grants will enable teachers to implement original and creative learning experiences beyond the curriculum allocated through school budgets.
Eligibility: This program awards grants to PK-12 teachers in need* in the Memphis metro area. If you have been a JLM Innovative Teaching Grants recipient in the past, you are eligible for the 2022-2023 grant cycle.
Focus: Providing our partners and the surrounding community with support where they demonstrate a need, the focus of the 2022-2023 Innovative Teaching Grants will be providing excellent academic and social/emotional instruction.
Funding: The JLM will award grants of up to $2,500. In addition, each grant recipient will participate in regular check-ins about their grant goals and submit a video that captures: a) project overview, b) impact, c) visuals of how funding was used, d) student/peer feedback and e) how the teacher used this experience to grow.
The grant applications are due by Monday, November 11.