For every family in Memphis there is a unique situation for work schedules and the different variations of in-person and virtual learning. And by unique, we mean challenging! We recently heard about two educators who are stepping up to offer some reprieve for families and to give students an additional layer of support! EnrichED Education Services is a team consisting of a licensed music educator, Ayanna Hampton, and a History Teacher (who also happens to be City Councilwoman!), Michalyn Easter-Thomas. The EnrichED team offers supervision and tutoring services at two sites located in Midtown and Hickory Hill. We talked with their team and asked about their offerings and what is encouraging them during this season.
Q1: Will you share a little bit about EnrichED Services and services you offer families in Memphis?
EnrichED is a full-service education support service that offers on-site tutoring locations to families in the Memphis metro area. Our centers serve all grades, and students are provided with supervision, technical support and assistance, meals and snacks, and extended learning activities. We also assist families with maximizing their family’s home virtual learning space, and offer “wellness checks” and emergency contact services for older students who are completing virtual learning at home without the supervision of a parent or guardian. Our staff is prepared to assist students with any and all learning needs including IEP/504 accommodations, gifted and talented education, and other special education support services.
Q2: At what point did you come up with the idea to start EnrichED and see this as an important space to serve families?
Once the decision was made to return to school virtually, we knew that families, parents, and guardians in Shelby County would be needing supervision, as well as academic assistance, for their children. There are over 100,000 children/youth in the City of Memphis, and we want to ensure an opportunity to support as many students as possible during this transitional year.
Q3: On your website, you highlight the opportunity to train others to start their own EnrichED services. Is this you being realistic with your time and capacity, since you are full-time educators already?
One thing educators know is that you don’t know something unless you can teach it well to others! Our training is offered via an online webinar. The training also includes an e-book that takes you from start to finish.
Q4: Would future trainees be affiliated with EnrichED or would you hope that they spread their own wings and fly?
We hope that others open their own centers not affiliated with EnrichED, as we encourage personal motivation and creativity to guide the opening of additional centers across the city.
Q5: What is providing you encouragement with how students are taking to the virtual learning environment? Are you inspired by peers?
Encouragement is coming from fellow educators that we know are trying their hardest to make this year’s learning as engaging, rigourous, and as supportive as possible. Encouragement also stems from watching the larger Memphis community rally around our children to provide them tech devices, headsets, supplies, and other supports that will allow them a positive school year.
EnrichED Education Services hours are 7:30am-5:30pm, Monday through Friday. Prices are weekly and include supplies, lunch, snack, and after school activities. Check out the flyer below and connect with them through completing this interest form.